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Token 1INCH

Aug 28, 16:28

Auto generation

1inch bought back another 3.035M 1INCH ($759K)


Total tokens transferred

Token USDC



Token 1INCH



1inch's Team Investment Fund further bought 3.035M 1INCH with 758,785 USDC at $0.25 on average in the past 1.5 hours:


In total, the 1inch team has spent a total of 2.317M USDC to buy back 9.268M 1INCH via 2 purchasing waves at an average price of $0.25 in the past 6 hours, appearing to try to complete a selling-high and buying-low round. The 1INCH price, however, only slightly surged after their first purchasing wave.


Currently, the team's wallet holds 26.74M 1INCH ($6.62M).


Fig 1. 1inch's Team Investment Fund's overall 1INCH purchasing history in the past 2 months.

#investment fund
#buy back