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Token 1INCH

Aug 28, 10:06

Auto generation

1inch's Team Investment Fund bought 3.923M 1INCH ($981K)


Total tokens transferred

Token 1INCH



1inch's Team Investment Fund bought 3.923M 1INCH with $980,827 in USDT and USDC at $0.25 on average in the past 10 minutes:


Overall, since July 5, 2024, the 1inch team has spent $2.115M to buy back 7.491M 1INCH at an average price of $0.266. Before that, the team had sold a roughly similar amount of 1INCH for $4.07M via Wintermute and DEX at a much higher average price of $0.543 between March 1, 2023, and January 14, 2024. It seems like the 1inch team is selling high and buying low their tokens!


Currently, the team's wallet holds 20.17M 1INCH ($5.01M).


The 1INCH price pumped 3.77% in the past hour, similar to their two previous purchasing waves.


Fig 1. The overall 1INCH trading history of the 1inch's Team Investment Fund.


Fig 2. The current 1INCH holding of the 1inch's Team Investment Fund.

#buy back
#sell high
#buy low
#investment fund