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Token 1INCH

Jul 20, 01:45

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Dragonfly Capital deposited their last $1INCH to CEXs


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Token 1INCH



Dragonfly Capital deposited 12M $1INCH to Coinbase and OKEx at an average price of $0.343 ($4.12M) 13 hours ago.


Dragonfly Capital's vesting of $1INCH summary:

  • vested 12.5M $1INCH on Jan 03, 2022 (TXID here)
  • moved 500K $1INCH to Genesis Trading on Jan 7, 2022, at $2.35 via wallet 0x340 (TXID here)
  • vested 37.5M $1INCH on Jul 18, 2023 (TXID here)
  • deposited 37.5M $1INCH to OKEx and Coinbase at $0.37 33 hours ago (TXID 1 and TXID 2)
  • deposited 12M $1INCH to OKEx and Coinbase at $0.343 13 hours ago via several wallets (TXID here)
  • in total, the VC has moved out 50M $1INCH for $19.15M.


Check out our previous signal here.

#dragonfly capital