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Token ETH

Mar 19, 2024

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Smart trader deposited all ETH to Binance


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Smart trader ETH 0xb82 just deposited all 13,691 ETH ($46.6M) to Binance at $3,403 on average in the past hour:


This marks the end of the whale's fifth ETH trading cycle:

  • withdrew 13,690 ETH from Binance at $2,767 on average ($37.9M) on February 9, 27, and 29, 2024;
  • deposited all ETH tokens to Binance at $3,403 on average ($46.6M) on March 19, 2024;
  • realized $8.72M (+23%) in profit.


Overall, the whale had won 4 out of the 5 ETH trades in total (win rate: 80%) and realized an estimated cumulative profit of $16.35M (+12.9%). In the only time that the whale lost, the whale moved ETH out before the market crashed to stop loss like an insider.


The ETH price dropped 3.60% in the past hour.


Fig 1. Smart trader ETH 0xb82's fifth ETH trading cycle.


Fig 2. Smart trader ETH 0xb82's overall ETH trading cycle.

#smart trader