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Whale 0xf0e just swapped 412 ETH ($1.27M) to 516,556 FRIEND at $2.456 on average:


In the past 24 hours, the whale has spent a total of 661.09 ETH ($2.03M) to buy 798,157 FRIEND at $2.547 on average, bringing the whale's current FRIEND holding to 2.34M FRIEND ($5.7M) with an unrealized profit of around $355K (+7.16%). Among those tokens, 1.18M FRIEND ($2.87M) is being added to the farming pool with


The FRIEND price dropped by 12.33% in the past 24 hours but is rebounding thanks to the whale's purchases.


Fig 1. Whale 0xf0e swapped 412 ETH ($1.27M) to 516,556 FRIEND at $2.456 on average recently.


Fig 2. Whale 0xf0e's overall FRIEND purchases and sales via DEX (excluding transfers to the farming pool).

#price drop