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Whale 0x154 just deposited 14.95M BLUR ($2.18M) to Binance at a massive loss:



  • The whale withdrew most BLUR from OKX at $0.383 on average ($5.72M) on November 22, 2023, the Blur and Blast airdrop hype to stake the tokens.
  • Sadly, the whale already unstaked BLUR 2 months ago when the price was $0.209 but did not sell then. Instead, the whale chose to unload just now at $0.148 and would realize an estimated loss of $3.54M (-61.9%) after over 9 months if truly selling.


Fig 1. The 7 latest BLUR transactions of Whale 0x154.


Fig 2. Whale 0x154's overall BLUR trading history.
