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Token FTM

May 07, 09:06

Auto generation

Past earner started the second FTM trade


Total tokens transferred

Token WETH



Token FTM



Whale 0xd87 swapped 680.87 WETH ($2.12M) to 2.983M FTM at $0.712 on average:


In total, the whale has spent 725.8 WETH ($2.26M) on buying 3.18M FTM at $7.11 on average in the past 5 hours, starting the second FTM trade.


Previously, the whale had realized a profit of $1.67M (+148%) from the first FTM trade:

  • bought 3.389M FTM with 1.13M USDC at $0.334 on average on January 24, 2024;
  • then sold all tokens for 2.8M USDC at $0.826 on average on March 19, 2024.


Fig 1. Whale 0xd87's overall FTM trading history.


Fig 2. Whale 0xd87's current holding.

#smart trader