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Token WBTC

Feb 18, 17:20

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Smart trader started another WBTC cycle


Total tokens transferred

Token WBTC



Token USDC



Smart whale 0x226 swapped 7.058M USDC for 136.2 WBTC at $51,829 on average in the past 3.5 hours:


Notably, the whale used to make $5.16M by shorting BTC during the LUNA/UST crash:

  • borrowed 800 WBTC from Aave and sold it for 28.76M USDC at $35,959 on average from May 1 to May 10, 2022;
  • then spent 23.6M USDC to buy 802 WBTC at $29,426 on average and repaid the debt on May 12, 2022;
  • realized $5.16M in less than 2 weeks.


Fig 1. Smart whale 0x226 bought 136.2 WBTC ($7.06M) at $51,829 on average in the past 3.5 hours.


Fig 1. Smart whale 0x226's overall WBTC activities.

#smart trader