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Token ETH
Token PEAS

Jan 31, 2024

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Smart Trader turned $55K into more than $800K


Total tokens transferred

Token PEAS



Token ETH



Smart trader 0x166 swapped 25 ETH (~$55,000) for 125,963 PEAS on Uniswap on December 17, 2023 at an average price of 0.443 and stored across 2 wallets:


Notably, the current value of those tokens is now over $800,000, with the total profit and loss (PnL) approximately amounting to $838,000 (+1673%).


The value of PEAS skyrocketed by 4800% at its peak on January 28, 2024. The trader began cashing in profits, selling 28,029 PEAS (~$151,277) from December 30, 2023, until the present.


As of now, the trader still holds 96,605 PEAS ($783,000).


Fig 1. The historical transactions of smart trader 0x166

#smart trader