Jul 22, 2024

SOC Team
US Government deposited 58.74 BTC ($3.96M) to Coinbase Prime
Related addresses
Total tokens transferred

The US Government just deposited 58.74 BTC ($3.96M) to Coinbase Prime:
- transaction: 60b9c0c155f2f16bbe7b513790b418f993eb963fe728d90226a6d840e8099b24
- address: 3B2jEBZi8fJWGEDrh6Pe7hDMaJ6iGfFtaU
- This address belongs to the entity US Government
So far in 2024, the US government has moved out 6,261 BTC at an average price of $62,538 ($392M), mostly after the price rose in late February. Among those tokens, 5,999 BTC ($376M) went to Coinbase.
The U.S. government occasionally moves/sells some BTC, but the amounts are usually not significant. FUD related to the U.S. government is often exaggerated.
The US government still holds around 213K BTC ($14.3B).
Fig 1. The US government moved out 6,261 BTC ($392M) in 2024.