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Token RNDR

May 16, 2024

Auto generation

Wallet linked to Render Network deposited the last RNDR to Binance


Total tokens transferred

Token RNDR



Wallet 0x537 (linked to Render Network) just deposited the remaining 455,000 RNDR ($4.59M) to Binance via GSR Markets at $10.09:


Notably, since April 26, 2024, the wallet has received 4.167M RNDR from the Render Network's multisign 0xb6e at an average price of $9.12 ($38M) and then deposited all tokens to various CEXs at $9.22 on average ($38.42M).


Currently, the wallet only holds a small amount of 161 RNDR ($1.62K).


Fig 1. Wallet 0x537 (linked to Render Network)'s overall RNDR inflows and outflows since April 26, 2024.


Fig 2. Wallet 0x537 (linked to Render Network) has deposited 4.167M RNDNR to various CEXs since April 26, 2024.

#render network
#gsr markets