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Whale 0xf91 ("pokee.eth") swapped 6,354 ETH ($15M) for 257.8 WBTC at an ETH/BTC exchange rate of 0.04055 in the past 2 hours:


Notably, the whale then sent the newly acquired WBTC tokens to 4 other wallets to supply them to Aave, including:


Overall, the consistent fall in the ETH/BTC exchange rate lately might have prompted many whales to exchange ETH for BTC.


Fig 1. Whale 0xf91 ("pokee.eth") sold 6,354 (W)ETH ($15M) for WBTC just now.


Fig 2. Whale 0xf91 ("pokee.eth") bought 257.8 WBTC ($15M) just now.
