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The ETH whale 0x5ac entity just spent the remaining 4.767M USDT to buy 1,911 ETH at $2,495 on average:


Notably, this entity of ETH whales has spent 28.33M USDT to buy 10,536 ETH at an average price of $2,680 since August 22, 2024. Currently, they suffer a total unrealized loss of $2.41M (-8.49%) from this investment (more details here).


The ETH price dropped over 8% in the past hour, in tandem with the broad market.


Fig 1. The ETH whale 0x5ac entity bought 10,536 ETH ($28.3M) in the past 6 days.


Fig 2. The current ETH holding of the ETH whale 0x5ac entity.
