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Two wallets (one entity) 0xcc3 and 0x4a1 bought 3,570 ETH using 9.628M USDT at $2,697 on average in the past 20 minutes:


Notably, both wallets received the USDT to buy ETH from an unknown wallet 0x5ac03A154305a8D7BB3911f8F148F76cB3458934.


Overall, in the past 5 days, the wallet "0x5ac" has transferred a total of 23.56M USDT to buy 8,624 ETH at an average price of $2,732 via 8 wallets, now suffering an unrealized loss of $378K (-1.61%).


Currently, there are 4.767M USDT left in the wallet "0x5ac". This amount may soon be swapped for more ETH.


Fig 1. 8 wallets (one entity) have bought 8,624 ETH ($23.56M) in the past 5 days.


Fig 2. The current ETH and USDT holdings of the entity ETH whale 0x5ac.
