Nov 27, 2023
Auto generation
Whale pumped WHITE
Related addresses
Total tokens transferred


Related transactions
Whale 0x117 swapped 1,170 ETH ($2.40M) to 2,900 WHITE:
- transaction: 0x34a440ec7f56c66a981689b77c71b0997000b6fa7b4e6a5ee217c18bc6983ce1
- address: 0x117f55bf3c2e3bcdc7f308504480ee53f754a7ca
Moreover, whale 0x117 further received 1,748 WHITE from the Hegic deployer, and is now the largest holder of WHITE, holding 4,648 WHITE, or 52.3% of the total supply.
- transaction: 0x7f5c23f40baf9afca4da21b09f66cff3078cbe6f9df5266902d1ed55e53c5321
- Hegic deployer address: 0xF15968a096Fc8F47650001585d23bEE819b5affb
Note that the whale received 21,625 ETH (now $44.3M) from the Hegic: Development Fund on October 8, 2023. Whiteheart (WHITE), in turn, is an on-chain hedging protocol that's built on Hegic, so the whale most likely belongs to the development team.
- transaction: 0xff931dac423160f4f19b594e2b161f299c0ea82555265c7815466c147afc7b65
- Hegic Development Fund: 0xd884ACa1897ac45515ceE6d5FD48F341B4023ACE
The WHITE price just surged up to 765% after the recent purchase!
Fig 1. WHITE price surged sharply after the purchase.