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Whale 0xf92 just sold 12,500 INJ for 424,507 USDC at an average price of $33.961 via middle address 0xd6d:


Notably, the whale:

  • withdrew 99,898 from Binance at $12.158 (then $1.22M) on October 15, 2021;
  • sold 60,000 INJ for 458,323 at $7.639 on average on October 16, 2023, at a loss, right before the sharp pump (suboptimal);
  • further sold 12,500 INJ for 424,507 USDC at $33.961 on average on January 22, 2024, also during a price drop.


Currently, the whale still holds 27,398 INJ ($924K). His/her estimated total profit from INJ is now at $587K, of which only $1,379 has been realized.


Fig 1. Whale 0xf92's overall INJ trading history.
