Dec 30, 2024
Auto generation
Whale sold its winning PENDLE to buy VIRTUAL
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Whale 0x41d swapped its winning PENDLE position for VIRTUAL in the past 7 hours, including:
- selling 240,000 PENDLE for 1.228M USDC at $5.115 on average;
- buying 316,977 VIRTUAL using 1.072M USDC at $3.382 on average.
- The whale has spent 2.172M USDC to buy 636,148 VIRTUAL at an average price of $3.414 over the past 2 days for the first VIRTUAL trade.
- Currently, the whale only has 60K PENDLE ($305K) left and holds a total profit of $7.95M (+662%) from this token. The whale spent only $1.2M to buy 1.595M PENDLE at an average price of $0.752 from July 29 to November 11, 2023, and has so far sold 1.535M PENDLE for $8.84M at an average price of $5.758 on November 12 and December 30-31, 2024.
- Apart from VIRTUAL and PENDLE, the whale also holds 35.45M BRETT ($4.09M) with an estimated total profit of $694K (+18.6%).
Fig 1. Whale 0x41d bought 636,148 VIRTUAL ($2.17M) over the past 2 days.
Fig 2. Whale 0x41d's overall PENDLE trading history.