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17 hours

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Smart/insider whale deposited $5.22M to Hyperliquid to open high-risk long bets on ETH and BTC


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Token USDC



Smart/insider whale 0xf3F deposited $5.22M to Hyperliquid to open high-risk long bets on ETH and BTC in the past hour. The trades include:

  • $3.486M for an ETH long (50x leverage) – Entry: $1,884.4 | Liquidation: $1,838.2
  • $1.735M for a BTC long (20x leverage) – Entry: $82,003.9 | Liquidation: $61,182


Notably, in the past 2 days, this whale closed two quick ETH long positions with a 100% win rate, netting $2.2M in profit, $2.15M of which was earned in less than 45 minutes from its first ETH long position.


Fig 1. The current open ETH and BTC long positions and the USDC depositing/withdrawing history of the smart/insider whale 0xf3F.
