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Token ONDO

Jan 22, 2024

Auto generation

Addresses related to the ONDO team sold ONDO


Total tokens transferred

Token ONDO



Wallet 0xf8d has swapped 2.25M ONDO ($592,954) through a middle wallet in the past 24 hours at an average price of $0.264:


Notably, the main wallet 0xf8d received 12M ONDO ($2.63M) on June 28, 2022, from the ONDO project's multisig wallet.


In total, the entity has deposited or swapped 3.5M ONDO ($826,962) on DEXs and CEXs from January 18, 2024, until now.


Currently, the entity is still holding 8.5M ONDO (~$2.2M).


After the entity swapped or deposited on CEXs and DEXs, the price of ONDO dropped by 4.71% in the past hour.


Fig 1. The historical transactions of the entity.
