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Dormant wallet linked to ICO participant deposited 10,000 ETH ($24.4M) to Kraken


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Token ETH



Wallet 0xfb1 (linked to an Ethereum ICO participant 0xde0) just deposited 10,000 ETH ($24.4M) to Kraken after 2 years of dormancy:


Notably, considering the overall wallet network of the Ethereum ICO participant, we noticed:

1. The Ethereum ICO participant received 50,000 ETH at the GENESIS block on July 30, 2015, when the price was only $0.31 ($15.5K) via address 0xde06d5ea777a4eb1475e605dbcbf43444e8037ea.

2. During the active years from May 30, 2016 to January 22, 2018, the whale:

  • deposited a net amount of 14,602 ETH ($21.2M) to Poloniex and Kraken at an average price of $1,452;
  • sent a total of 6,100 ETH (then: $74.5K, now: $14.4M) to Firstblood, Digix, and Iconomi;
  • staked 10,000 ETH (then: $12.9M, now: $23.6M) with StakeWise via 0x56556075Ab3e2Bb83984E90C52850AFd38F20883.

3. During the partially dormant years between January 22, 2018, and now, the whale only woke up once to transfer ETH to the current wallet "0xfb1" on October 10, 2022, before becoming active again to transfer 10,000 ETH ($24.4M) to Kraken 5 minutes ago.


Currently, the Ethereum ICO participant still holds 19,357 ETH ($47.13M), including:

  • 9,298 ETH ($22.64M) in the above wallet "0xfb1";
  • 10,058 ETH ($24.49M) staked with StakeWise via wallet "0x565".


Fig 1. Noticeable ETH transactions and current holdings of the Ethereum ICO participant 0xde0's wallet 0xfb1.


Fig 2. The overall ETH withdrawals and deposits from/to CEXs by the Ethereum ICO participant 0xde0.

#ico participant