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Token FET

Sep 05, 12:48

Auto generation

Early holder allegedly deposited 2.98M FET ($3.33M) to Binance


Total tokens transferred

Token FET



Wallet 0xdf9 (likely belonging to an early FET holder) just deposited 2.98M FET ($3.33M) to Binance at $1.116:



  • The wallet "0xdf9" received a total of 5.17M FET ($5.74M) in the past 20 hours. Most of these FET tokens were originally dispersed by the deployer of to the wallet 0xf46a35d45632ad6cae524ed2c412c8ccd556b958 on October 14, 2020, when the price was $0.052, and later transferred through several middle wallets before reaching the recent wallet just now.
  • After receiving FET, the wallet "0xdf9" then proceeded to deposit 2.98M FET ($3.31M) to Binance and send 2.19M FET ($2.46M) to the " FET Bridge".


Fig 1. The FET token flow of Wallet 0xdf9 (likely belonging to an early FET holder).

#early holder