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Token INJ

Feb 17, 23:35

Auto generation

Fresh whale further withdrew INJ from Coinbase


Total tokens transferred

Token INJ



Wallet 0x921 just withdrew 34,286 INJ ($1.27M) from Coinbase at $36.96:


In total, the wallet has withdrawn 112,990 INJ from Coinbase at $35.42 on average (estimated cost: $4.00M) since February 14, 2024 (4 days ago), mostly before the recent sharp pump.


Currently, the wallet still holds all 112,990 INJ (now $4.31M), with an estimated unrealized profit of $287K (+7.17%).


The INJ price pumped by 11.5% in the past 8 hours.


Fig 1. Wallet 0x921's overall INJ accumulating history.
