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Legendary "50x ETH" whale opened a LINK 10x-long position


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Token LINK



Smart whale 0xf3f deposited 2.875M USDC to Hyperliquid in the past 45 minutes to open a LINK long position with 10x leverage:


Notably, this is the “50x ETH” whale that cost Hyperliquid $4M after it used the Hyperliquid liquidation engine to exit a massive 175,000 ETH-50x long position 2 days ago (more details here).


Since February 7, the whale has raked in $16.4M, flipping quick long/short positions on ETH, BTC, HYPE, and YGG on Hyperliquid via the 2 addresses above. Will this LINK long also pay off?


Fig 1. Smart whale 0xf3f opened a LINK long position with 10x leverage.
