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Token FET

Apr 05, 04:51

Auto generation

Massive whale deposited FET to Binance


Total tokens transferred

Token FET



Massive whale 0x465 just deposited 3.7M FET ($9.62M) to Binance at $2.60:


Notably, FET used to rank as the 3rd-largest holding in the whale's portfolio before the recent deposit. Overall, the whale is gaining an estimated total profit of $8.91M from FET:

  • withdrew 4.42M FET from Binance at $0.482 on average (estimated cost: $2.13M) between February 2, 2023, and March 1, 2024;
  • has deposited 3.96M FET back to Binance at $2.49 on average ($9.83M) on February 18 and March 5, 2024, mostly on the latter date, realizing $7.92M (+415%) in profit;
  • now still holds 464,751 FET ($1.21M), with another $984K in unrealized profit


Other than FET, the whale currently also holds more than $120M worth of various tokens, notably including:

  • 1.118T SHIB ($30M) with an estimated total profit of $17.2M (+100%);
  • 923,329 LINK ($16M) with an estimated total profit of $1.67M (+12.2%);
  • 1.073M RNDR ($9.97M) with an unrealized profit of $4.95M (+99%);
  • 6.205M AGIX ($6.56M) with an unrealized profit of $4.15M (+174%).
  • Visit the visualizer for the whale's most updated PnLs from these tokens.


Fig 1. Massive whale 0x465's overall FET trading history.


Fig 2. Top 5 current holdings in the massive whale 0x465's portfolio.
