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Token LDO

Aug 19, 14:00

Auto generation

Sigil Fund deposited the last 1.47M LDO ($1.54M) to Binance to stop loss


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Token LDO



Sigil Fund just deposited the remaining 1.47M LDO ($1.54M) to Binance at $1.045 to stop loss:


Notably, this is the VC's first LDO transaction in the past 6 months and also marks the end of the VC's LDO trade at an estimated loss of $245K (-4.68%) after over 3.5 years:

  • allegedly bought 2.925M LDO via Binance, FTX, DEX, and Lido Aragon Token Manager at an average price of $1.792 (estimated cost: $5.24M);
  • further claimed LDO tokens as rewards from Curve Finance;
  • allegedly sold the tokens via Binance and DEX at only $1.675 on average ($5M).


Fig 1. The 4 latest LDO transactions of Sigil Fund.


Fig 2. Sigil Fund's overall LDO trading history.

#sigil fund