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Token WBTC

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Smart trader with a 100% win rate closed the 8th WBTC trade in profit


Total tokens transferred

Token WBTC



Token USDT



Smart trader 0xb8a just sold the remaining 20.553 WBTC for 1.22M USDT at $59,363 on average:


In total, the smart trader sold all 80.553 WBTC for 4.837M USDT at an average price of $60,046 in the past 20 hours, closing the 8th WBTC trade with a profit of $266K (+5.82%).


Overall, since December 12, 2023, this smart retail trader made a total profit of $1.02M (+4.29%) from trading WBTC 8 times with a 100% win rate (more details here).


Fig 1. The overall WBTC trading history of the smart trader 0xb8a.

#smart trader
#win rate