18 hours
Auto generation
Smart whale bought $12.1M worth of LINK
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Smart whale 0xf3f spent 12.1M USDC to buy 863,174 LINK at an average price of $14.02 in the past 50 minutes:
Notably, the whale sold 1,108.83 ETH for 2.1M USDC and withdrew another 10M USDC from Spark for the purchases.
Its long position on LINK currently has an unrealized loss of $237K (more details here).
Fig 1. Smart whale 0xf3f's current LINK holdings.
Fig 2. Smart whale 0xf3f bought 863,174 LINK ($12.1M) in the past 50 minutes.
Fig 3. Smart whale 0xf3f's current long position on LINK (source).