Dec 09, 2024
Auto generation
Whale bought $4.85M worth of BEAM on chain for the first time
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Total tokens transferred


Whale 0xb38 spent 1,292 WETH ($4.85M) to buy 149.064M BEAM at an average price of $0.03255 in the past 10 hours:
Notably, this marked the whale's first BEAM trade.
Before BEAM, the whale had made an estimated profit of $3.09M (+27%) from LINK in just 16 days in November:
- bought 1.019M LINK using 4,594 STETH ($11.45M) at an average price of $11.235 from November 1 to 4, 2024.
- sold all tokens for 2,671 STETH and 1,936.8 WETH (total: $14.5M) at an average price of $14.265 on November 16 and 17, 2024.
The BEAM price dropped 13.53% in the past 24 hours, mostly due to the recent market crash.
Fig 1. Whale 0xb38 bought 149.064M BEAM ($4.85M) in the past 10 hours.
Fig 2. The overall LINK trading history of whale 0xb38.