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Whale 0xee3 just sold the remaining 1.09M ONDO for 862,734 USDC at an average price of $0.791:


Notably, this marked the end of the whale's first ONDO trade with an estimated profit of $875K (+208%) after over a year:

  • bought 1.59M ONDO using $420K worth of USDT and ETH at an average price of $0.264 on February 16 and 18, 2024;
  • sold all tokens for 1.3M USDC at an average price of $0.814 on March 5 and 11, 2025.


Fig 1. The last 4 ONDO transactions by Whale 0xee3.


Fig 2. Whale 0xee3's overall ONDO trading history.

#ondo finance
#price drop