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Token HYPE

11 hours

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Whale deposited 3.92M USDC to Hyperliquid to buy and go long on HYPE


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Token USDC



Whale 0x9f7 deposited 3.92M USDC to Hyperliquid to buy more HYPE and open a long position in the past 10 hours!


Currently, the whale holds:

  • 241,876 HYPE ($3.53M) on Spot, with an unrealized loss of $1.47M (-29.4%);
  • 320,333 HYPE long at $14.46 (3x leverage);
  • 5,080 HYPE via 2 pending buy orders between $14.05 and $14.15.


Is this a sign of bullish conviction about HYPE?


Fig 1. Whale 0x9f7's current HYPE holdings.

#price drop