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Token WBTC

5 days

Auto generation

Whale earned $84.61K (+2.71%) from WBTC after only 4 hours


Total tokens transferred

Token WBTC



Token USDT



Whale 0xe0f just sold 54.12 WBTC for 3.213M USDT at $59,362:


Notably, the whale bought these WBTC tokens using 3.128M USDT at $57,799 only 4 hours ago. After the sales, the whale realized a profit of $84.61K (+2.71%).


Overall, the whale appears to be specialized in swing-trading WBTC. Since January 26, 2024, the whale has completed a total of 6 WBTC swing trades, earning a net profit of $207K (+1.81%) with a win rate of 83.3%.


Fig 1. The overall WBTC trading history of Whale 0xe0f.

#swing trade
#win rate