3 days
Auto generation
Whale further bought $738K worth of AAVE
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Whale 0x9ed further bought back 4,176 AAVE using 737,927 USDT at an average price of $176.71 in the past hour:
Overall, the whale started its third AAVE trade 21 hours ago and has since spent a total of 1.938M USDT to buy 10,355 AAVE at an average price of $187.15. Part of this investment was financed via revolving loans on Aave, suggesting an AAVE long position.
Notably, the whale has not held AAVE for long in the past. It has realized an estimated total loss of $113K from two previous AAVE trades, including:
- First trade (December 28, 2023 — January 3, 2024): -$65.5K (-7.49%);
- Second trade (March 5, 2025 — March 10, 2025): -$47.4K (-11.9%).
Fig 1. Whale 0x9ed bought 10,335 AAVE ($1.94M) in the past 21 hours for the third AAVE trade.