3 days
Auto generation
Whale further withdrew 316,871 UNI ($2.33M) from Binance
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Total tokens transferred

Whale 0x4df further withdrew 316,871 UNI ($2.33M) from Binance at an average price of $7.359 in the past 2 hours:
Overall, this whale has withdrawn a total of 486,461 UNI from Binance at an average price of $7.547 (estimated cost: $3.67M) in the past 13 hours.
Besides UNI and a small amount of ETH to pay gas fees, the whale has yet to accumulate other altcoins.
The UNI price dropped 6.15% in the past hour.
Fig 1. Whale 0x4df withdrew 486,461 UNI ($3.67M) from Binance in the past 13 hours.