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Token ETH
Token MEME

Nov 15, 01:35

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Whale futher bought MEME


Total tokens transferred

Token MEME



Token ETH



Whale 0x432 further swapped 100 ETH for 5.46M MEME ($198K) at an average price of $0.03632 in the past 2 hours:


Overall, since November 4, the whale has bought a total of 95.07M at an average price of $0.02253 (estimated cost: $2.14M).


Currently, whale 0x432 is the 13th largest holder of MEME, still holding all the 95.07M MEME (now $3.7M). As such, his floating gain from MEME is $1.56M (+72.6%).


Previously, whale 0x432 earned $4.52M in total from MATIC, LDO, and MKR but lost $2.13M from ARB, MAGIC, RDNT, and FET (all losses were realized recently). His cumulative realized profit is $2.39M.

  • check out whale 0x432's overall PnLs here


Fig 1. Whale 0x432's updated overall MEME buying history.

#smart trader