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Whale has a $26M unrealized profit by shorting various tokens on Hyperliquid


Whale 0x45d currently has a net unrealized profit of $26M via multiple short positions on Hyperliquid:



  • This whale currently has 48 perpetual futures positions on HyperLiquid, consisting of 47 shorts and 1 long. Notably, 45 positions are highly profitable, with only 3 in the red.
  • The whale also holds 23,947 HYPE ($381K) and 361,250 PURR ($32.2K) on Spot, but both holdings are in the red.


Fig 1. The top 10 most profitable perpetual futures positions of the whale 0x45d.


Fig 2. The PnLs of the whale 0x45d's HYPE and PURR holdings.

#market crash