16 hours
Auto generation
Whale withdrew another 1,225 BTC ($92.15M) from Binance
Related addresses
Total tokens transferred
Whale bc1qa just withdrew another 1,225 BTC ($92.15M) from Binance at $75,226:
- transaction 1: d378f1a636af551d4a487291e28e2c6485c02e89b7e3a5e3722131f2ecfd7671
- transaction 2: b024563cf6239de2707769cef0a591210cb430e8a4c8998d4bab7940230009e2
- address: bc1qaygjcgvgmnk9909c2wwjgssl27h6rasntf0u0jzfc2n9kre456ksukcdtv
In total, this whale has withdrawn 1,775 BTC via 3 transactions from Binance at an average price of $73,713 (estimated cost: $130.8M) in the past 6 days, now having an unrealized profit of $2.14M (+1.63%).
Fig 1. Whale bc1qa withdrew 1,775 BTC ($130.8M) from Binance in the past 6 days.